This is a MT-2 class version D

Modified on 4/20/21 for COVID information

- Modified on May 20, 2020 to eliminate two emails from autosending, reducing total announcments to 3 (from 5) and to restrict access to the 10 days prior email to ONLY those who have NOT completed the Pre-Course Requirements assignments.  Template now must be "copied" to server controlled by MAPS instead of Mark Szynaka.

- Modifed on Jan. 15th to reduce the delay on sending out the Welcome email from 1 hour to ten minutes.

- Modified on Dec. 19th using  MT-2 Template Golden Backup as the source and then applying updates

- Contains the disabled 1 week email and the revised two week now a 10 day email.

- Contains the suppress notification logic if the successful email has been received by the student.(I think as of May 2020 this no longer needed????)

This template contains the updated Welcome email content from Dec, 19th

This template contains the Latest Certificate which will need to be filled with the class specific content

This base class will need the Course ID, start and End dates, Course short name, Cert content, course hours and logic and class location and Directions

Updated on March 24, 2021 with newest CE Certificate and edits in emails.