This 2-day, 75% hands-on workshop explains the evidence-based role of manual therapy in the disease-specific management of the geriatric population. The course is taught by senior faculty instructors and addresses manual therapy intervention for Osteoporosis, Joint Replacements, Arthritis, and Degenerative Disc Dysfunction, and other specific diagnoses based upon the evidence-based best practices available. Includes extensive required Home Study course component of approximately 8.5 hours to provide a more comprehensive understanding of Geriatric issues in manual therapy.

MTG02222325CA - Camarillo, CA - February 22-23, 2025 

MTG09282924PA - Havertown, PA - September 28-29, 2024 

MTG04060724VA - Fredericksburg, VA - April 6-7, 2024 

MTG09091023NJ - Totowa, NJ - September 9-10, 2023 

MTG10222322TN - Nashville/Franklin, TN - October 22-23, 2022 

MTG09101122FL- Clearwater, FL - September 10-11, 2022